February 21, 2025

Jury Duty

To check your Juror Status please call (850) 981-5642

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifies you to be a juror?

You must be at least 18 years of age, a citizen of this state, and reside in Santa Rosa County. You must also have a valid Florida driver’s license.

How are jurors summoned for jury duty?

Your name is randomly selected from a list that is currently provided by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

Are there any exemptions from serving as a juror?

Yes, you may be excused from serving as a juror for the following reasons:


  • Expectant mother.
  • Person 70 years of age or older.
  • Parent not employed full time and has the care and custody of a child less than 6 years of age.
  • Served as a juror in his/her county within 1 year of date of last service.
  • Adjudicated mentally incompetent and not had rights restored.
  • Care of a person who is incapacitated mentally or physically.
  • Full-time federal, state or local law enforcement officer or investigator employed by a law enforcement agency.


  • Convicted felon and my civil rights have not been restored
  • Currently under prosecution for a crime.
  • No longer reside in Santa Rosa County.

Can I fill out and print a juror excusal request on-line?

Click on the link to fill out and print a juror excusal request online. In order to submit a juror request online, you must be at a computer that has a valid email account. To submit a juror excusal request online, save your information as a document on your desktop and insert it as an attachment and email to Jury@SantaRosaClerks.com.    

All requests for excusal are to be submitted in writing five (5) business days prior to the reporting date.  To be excused, check the appropriate box on your excusal form, sign your statement, list at least two telephone numbers you can be reached at, and then return this “Excusal Statement” to P.O. Box 472, Milton, Florida 32572-0472. You may also fax your information to the Jury Department @ 850-983-4629. Excusals are granted if you have met these criteria unless otherwise notified. You will be contacted only if there are questions about your request or if your request is not accepted. Make sure to include a doctor’s note, plane tickets or any other proof to validate your absence.

Where will I report for jury duty? 

Report to The Santa Rosa County Courthouse, 4025 Avalon Blvd, Milton, FL. Click here to see a map to the Courthouse location.

What do I need to know before reporting?

All jurors must call the automated juror messaging system at 983-5322 to verify if their attendance will be necessary. Court cases are often settled between the time the summonses are mailed and jurors are scheduled to report. Due to the fact that most court weeks begin on Monday, the recorded message is activated from 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the scheduled report date and continues through the weekend. IF YOU RECEIVE NO MESSAGE OR IF THE TELEPHONE RECORDING IS NOT IN OPERATION, PLEASE REPORT FOR JURY DUTY AS DIRECTED BY YOUR PRINTED SUMMONS.

Length of service

Your first day of service is normally limited to jury selection for trials held during the following trial week. If you are selected as a juror on a case, you will be scheduled to return and serve as a juror on the date of that trial.

Payment for jury duty

Effective July 1, 1993, jurors who are regularly employed and who continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are not entitled to receive compensation from the state for the first three days of juror service. Jurors who are not regularly employed or who do not continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror are entitled to receive $15.00 per day for the first three days of juror service. Each juror who serves more than three days will be paid by the state for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter at the rate of $30.00 per day of service.

Types of trials

Cases which come before a petit jury are divided into two general classes, Civil and Criminal. In a civil trial, parties in dispute come into court to determine and settle their respective rights. The person who brings an action against another is the “plaintiff.” The person against whom the action is brought is the “defendant.” In a criminal trial, the persons bringing the action are the people of the State of Florida, represented by the “prosecutor.” The “defendant” is a person or corporation accused of a violation of law.

Courthouse Security, Appropriate Dress & Prohibited Items

All persons entering the Courthouse locations, even prospective jurors, are required to submit to a security screening. This will include passing through a metal detector and placing any items being carried through an X-ray machine. Please keep in mind that even certain everyday items (scissors, pocket knives, etc.) will not be permitted. PLEASE DRESS APPROPRIATELY. Do not wear shorts, tank tops, halter tops or flip flops. A sweater or light jacket may be needed as the courtroom tends to be cool. No newspapers or laptops are allowed in the courtroom.  Please turn off all cellphones and pagers. 

Persons with disabilities

If you are a person with a disability needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding please contact Brooke Jones (850-623-3159) at the Santa Rosa Courthouse, Milton, Florida 32583 no later than seven days prior to the proceeding.  If you are hearing or voice impaired, call The Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8770.

For additional jury information:

Phone:  (850) 981-5642
Fax:  (850) 983-4629
Email:  Jury@SantaRosaClerks.com