March 18, 2025

Access to Electronic Court Records

The Santa Rosa County Clerk of Courts would like to introduce an extension of their Court Case Maintenance System, Clericus, which will allow attorneys electronic access to court records. This access will provide attorneys with the ability to view actual court record images online for which they are attorney of record. Also, this access will provide a person with the ability to view court record list and request images.

*As a registered user you do not have to fill out the bar number, simply leave it blank.

*Form must be notarized for creation of Attorney Access accounts.

*Once the form has been filled out please send it back to the email at

*Once the login has been created the email on the form will receive an email from civitek. This is a timed e-mail that will become unavailable after a day.

Please fill out the User Registration Agreement Form linked below in order to obtain a login and password:

User Registration Agreement Form

While the Clerk’s office is making every effort to ensure all court record images are viewable, including backscanning, some of the older court record images may not be available.

If you have any questions, please contact: